About the Practice

Wayne Knerr, Licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate in Oriental Medicine, and a 2010 graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture, Boston, MA, is the sole proprietor of Healing Arts of Memphis.

Diagnostic & Treatment Philosophy

Current Healing Philosophy

Our vitality and health can become impaired due to exposure to cold/hot, wind, dampness/dryness, pathogens, dehydration, alcohol, the quality of the food we consume, along with the myriad of thoughts, feelings and most importantly, how we respond on a moment to moment basis to the stresses that we are bombarded with.

I use Chinese Herbs to harmonize and resolve many my clients’ concerns. A major part of my practice is resolving gastro intestinal issues.

Over the past 10 years, the clinical model that has emerged in my practice is:

  • 60% of patients present with GI issues

  • 20% fatigue, not feeling well, immune issues, insomnia, high blood pressure

  • 15 % anxiety / depression

  • 5% physical pain

Zheng Zhong Jing, a Chinese physician, 150 AD or 1800 years ago, from the Eastern Han Dynasty, crafted a scholarly diagnostic and treatment strategy called the, “Discussion of Cold Induced Disorders / Six stages Differentiation.” His work was taught and discussed in many of my classes at the New England School of Acupuncture. Zheng Zhong Jing discusses how pathogens can be lodged at six different levels from the exterior to interior.

In 2018, I began modifying his work and using his model very effectively to treat many complex disease processes along with bringing into resolution stagnant or repressed emotions.

Six Stages


Tai Yang | small intestine | bladder meridian circuit

Yang Ming | large intestine | stomach meridian circuit

Shao Yang | triple warmer | gall bladder meridian circuit


Tai Yin | spleen | lung meridian circuit

Shao Yin | kidney | heart meridian circuit

Jue Yin | liver | pericardium meridian circuit

Basically, a meridian circuit is like an electric circuit that transmits life force or qi. This circuit can be interrupted due to a nutritional deficiency , stress, stagnant or repressed emotions, injury, toxicity from the environment, poor food choices, along with a variety of pathological processes.

During the course of a session, the meridian circuit is identified and the correct treatment strategy - a combination of Evergreen Herbs (single or formulas) along with Standard Process supplements - is determined through muscle testing. The final arbitrator is crafted only if the formula rectifies the imbalances that the pulse presents.

As an example, in complex disease processes, a common pattern is constrained grief in the lungs or secondhand exposure to smoking (or a previous history of smoking) creating a yin deficiency in the lungs (deficient fluids). If there is an imbalance at a deeper level - Shao Yin or Jue Yin - the imbalance will not vent to exterior to be released if the Tai Yin meridian circuit restraint is not resolved.